Its over. Done. Cooked. Sealed. Delivered. Finished. Fucked.
Bro, i got ya plate, its done.
I stole your girl and got ya plate.
It begins like this spelled/aimaaf/as it means no a good thing except that:I am in boycotte or bad.
I,m ugh I am you not,happy and like that, I don,t come at all, to the party,people will also, go to be surprised.
I have a firearm or some type of weapon
Two people get into an accident when the person not at fault gets out the other screams through his window I got my kid in the car yo yo
I have my kid in the car keep it movin or it will feel like July in December in this mofo word up
rifle, pistol, or other portable weapon
When some ones mom is so nasty, that putting your dick in her mouth would be like getting into a dumpster.
If you don't shut up, I will dumpster dive in your moms mouth!
Where you can't do shit
I'm going to biuld a truck.. "kallie can I"
What you smilingly reply when someone says, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".
Children with a sweet tooth are not so likely to say, "That's fine --- I love apples" as kiddos who have been raised on a whole-foods diet.