Source Code


4-20-1889 is a numerical sequence that, if translated to a date, would be the exact date of Adolf Hitler's day of birth.

Bro#1: Yo bro, it's 4/20!

Bro#2: Ayy, indeed bro, more like 4-20-1889!

Bro#1: Hitler's birthday? Umm...I think i'll just blaze.

by Crodius May 18, 2016

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

4 Year Olds

A perfect meal.


by Class109 October 30, 2022

41πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Left 4 Dead

Valve's latest installment, a zombie-fest based on the source engine.
Looks like possibly the greatest multiplayer action that we, as mortals, shall encounter.
It features whats called the "AI Director", which spawns the infected/zombies from different points on the map every time the game is played.

Many claim this game is actually sex in its video game form.

Left 4 Dead Dude 1: wtf that fat shit just threw up on me. thats fucking disgusting.
Left 4 Dead Dude 2: should of been watching your back noob.

by NecromancE September 19, 2008

278πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

E-4 mafia

A group devoted to the protection of the rights of E-4s and below in the Military to sham, blame problems on "I didn't know " or their leadership. The E-4 Mafia was created to bond lower enlisted against the tranny that is rank thru tenure and not based on the ability to lead.

Dude the Don call for a meeting of the E-4 Mafia we got to get that new 1SGT fired

by SPC IZZY January 5, 2010

130πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

4 A.M Foul

Akin to a party foul, 4 A.M fouls are offenses against your friends, strangers and even yourself. Accumulating too many 4 A.M fouls will usually end with either a.) a severe warning by a friend or aware citizen or b.) an arrest by an officer of the law.

4 A.M Foul #21: Mailbox baseball in your own neighborhood

4 A.M. Foul #40: Entering a bar at 4 A.M already drunk.

4 A.M Foul #3: Waking up in your best friend's bed after a drunken night together and puking all over him/her.

by Bboy Maestro June 2, 2010

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

sherlock season 4

Sorry, this page does not exist. It is scheduled to be defined in 53820387453822963 years

We are very sorry for your inconvenience. Sherlock Season 4 does not exist

by Superpainful April 13, 2015

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

4 Stroke Gang

The Art of smoking meth and having your brother jerk off infront of you and cumming in only 4 strokes

Tom: My brother didn’t believe me on how hard your dick gets after smoking meth and you can cum in only 4 strokes now he’s an honorary member of the 4 stroke gang

by ChileDave June 1, 2018

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž