A severe prairie dogging situation where it actually touched your underwear before going back in your butt
Awww quick , get off the highway i can't make it , the turtle bumped the cloth !!!
Metaphorical description used to describe the negative visceral reaction/response one feels when in the company of a douche/douchebag.
I can't stand that guy. He gives me douche bumps.
When you bump your boobs together with someone else, typically on purpose, similar to a "chest bump".
That was sick... BOOB BUMP!!
Let's do a boob bump!
When your at work and give the girl upfront a good old hip grabbing meat slap before you leave for the day
George just gave cyn a hub bump while hr was watching
Jumping and bumping into something/someone that could cause you serious problems in the future.
I’m going to to the bar the girls there may be worth junjee bumping.
The act of two females bumping their coochies so hard that their pelvic bones start to crack and crunch.
I went to the hospital to visit Edna and Dorothy on Saturday. They got too drunk on Friday night and got caught up in a bump ‘n crunch.
Bump Day is an online event by What to Expect that takes place annually on the third Wednesday of July to highlight disparities and inequities in maternal health care across the United States.
"This year, to participate in Bump Day (#BumpDay) I'm sharing a study that found 1 in 4 moms feel ignored or dismissed by their health care provider."