Die is a very well way of telling a dumbass NO STOP IT
as you can tell.. katsuki bakugou
He uses that word only cuz he wants to, gets angry or just thinks there really dumb.
Bakugou: DIE DIE DIEEEE *as usual*
Dumbass person: ..?? Ok I’ll stoppp
Bakugou: ಠ_ಠ
1 make sure everyones sleeping
2 get a fire lighter
3 set it on fire
1 : to pass from physical life : EXPIRE
died at the age of 56
die young
died from his injuries
a dying tree
2a : to pass out of existence : CEASE
their anger died at these words
b : to disappear or subside gradually —often used with away, down, or out
the storm died down
dying from fatigue
b : to long keenly or desperately
dying to go
c : to be overwhelmed by emotion
die of embarrassment
4a : to cease functioning : STOP
the motor died
b : to end in failure
the bill died in committee
5 : to become indifferent
die to worldly things
die hard