Its Christmas but with Hawks based stuff. Hawks is a character in my hero academia.
Happy Hawks-mas
The sole creator of life. He's our only real reason for living. Without him life wouldn't even be possible for anyone or anything period. He actually has a four letter name, but he's known by most people or the most important people as 'Horakhty'...
Ma Daddi is the best of all time, hands down...
An out of date joke. Stop using it!
Yo MA MA So Fucking Stupid, she thought fruit punch was a gay boxer.
Yeah you see how ridiculous you sound now? Hmm? Fucking idiot.
A Spanish phrase
Mean : once again
She is here una vez mas
slang used by many men that don't know how to pronounce the name Maria. Mostly used in times when one has forgoten to spell or say the name Maria
how do you spell your name again?? its Ma-hee-ha.