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Another word for Relax/Calm down used in the UK culture more specifically London

James: aye jerome you’ve been bugging me all day bro bake off G

Jerome: my bad bro

by TapeOffStrips January 2, 2022


to use a sunbed to achieve a nice tan

Tom: this sloot yesterday gave me some amazing slobber after she saw my tan!, lets bake again next week my dude

by INBRED RICKY November 5, 2018


A word for a guy who tries to get a girl despiretly for one month.Then entirely fucking it up like he fucks up everythig.

Jake just pulled a bake

by The sexy librarian March 23, 2018


UK Slang , meaning fuck off

Tina : "James is in love with Hannah"
James : "Nah, i'm not bro"
Tina : "James and Hannah sitting in a tree..."
James : "Bake bro."

by thenubianqueen November 23, 2020


Noun: Synonym for 'name' amongst the middle-classes

'Her name is Mildred'

'I say, that's a rotten old bake'

by Medicmadness March 21, 2021


equivalent to "piss off" or "fuck off"

"please bake"

"can you bake please?"

by partygetsmewetter122 April 29, 2023


To lose or to defeat

We'll bake y'all in spades.

by The imperial skateboard p April 18, 2021