Another word for Relax/Calm down used in the UK culture more specifically London
James: aye jerome you’ve been bugging me all day bro bake off G
Jerome: my bad bro
to use a sunbed to achieve a nice tan
Tom: this sloot yesterday gave me some amazing slobber after she saw my tan!, lets bake again next week my dude
A word for a guy who tries to get a girl despiretly for one month.Then entirely fucking it up like he fucks up everythig.
Tina : "James is in love with Hannah"
James : "Nah, i'm not bro"
Tina : "James and Hannah sitting in a tree..."
James : "Bake bro."
Noun: Synonym for 'name' amongst the middle-classes
'Her name is Mildred'
'I say, that's a rotten old bake'
equivalent to "piss off" or "fuck off"
"please bake"
"can you bake please?"