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Fortnite Pro Syndrome

For the ##### (In Paris) that is adick ted to fornie and is like like really pretty beutifla bad cuz my boyfin gof is an he jus slap me cusz i ain a fonie pro cuaz he is.

fisth ass ##### (In Paris) yur iiss nod a fonie proz lik i am an is not good i bea t ass (your) coma Fortnite Pro Syndrome

by Fortnite Pro Doctor February 2, 2022

pro - am

when u lick the controller and shove it in ur mouth for pleasure

“damn bruh i rly need to pro - am rn it feels great

by lalalalalalalalalalalala2 December 17, 2019

pro tog

Ironic slang for "pro photographer", see also photog.

Look at this dude, he uses a DSLR with a big white lens while is making weird poses. Must be a pro tog.

by turboautism May 10, 2022


Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) certainly should not be relied upon. Asked about his campaign hawking mugs featuring the photo of him pumping his fist in solidarity with the Jan. 6 crowd outside the Capitol, Hawley told HuffPost’s Arthur Delaney: “It is not a pro-riot mug.”

Meet the Urban Dictionary pro-riot mug. It’s 11 oz of sheer ceramic prowess. Use it for hot stuff, cold stuff or random stuff. Safe for microwaves and dishwashers.

by Not Arthur Schopenhauer February 16, 2022

pro money

When something is money, but better, it's pro money.

Burger King fries are money. But McDonald's fries--- those are pro money.

by CoquiRico April 3, 2023

pro money

When something is money, but better, it's pro money.

Ya, burger king fries are money. But McDonald's fries -- Those are pro money.

by CoquiRico April 3, 2023


A person, man, woman or other who has extraordinary abilities when it comes to WordPress, stemming from volleyball. His, her or their abilities are in fact incomparable and Max never fails to mention that. We hope the WordPress-Pro serves them well in the future and they land a better job than the one their currently leaving. Asia Bibi everyone

Have you seen this post? Surely the WordPress-Pro Hannah is responsible for that!

by gloria7628945 February 28, 2019