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The Nutfield Warrior

When Oscar puts his ding dong in Eves crusty butthole.

Hey Dylan! i just completed my quest involving The Nutfield Warrior!

by DylanStrong123 July 28, 2024

Cyber Justice Warrior

Cyber Justice Warrior. A pejorative term for a “in the scene” individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in arguments on Cyber justice on the Internet. Calling it “Drama” they often argue in a shallow or not well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal reputation. A Cyber justice warrior, or CJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care about the group(s) they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is the most popular hacker, tweeter or commenter of the moment. Their goal seems to be hoping they will be "1337" in the infosec/hacker community via likes, RT’s, comments, and become popular in return. They are very sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.
It’s evident you are dealing with a CJW when they take to their blogs to summarize/laymen the “drama thus far”. CJW’s post in various forms of “Here’s my opinion, everyone is an asshole” essays, that only speak from a one sided perspective. (In other words, The hacker they most easily relate to.) Other signs are sub tweets, passive aggressive “jokes” and tendency to join a dog-pile for a “controversy” they have not taken the time to fully research, even when the OP or the entire thread is readily available.

Got to love this Cyber Justice Warrior tweeting everything but saying & doing nothing! #SMH

by poopsi mcgoo November 3, 2015

neck warrior

A T-shirt that has a stretched out neck

Yo! That shirt is done all stretched out… it’s a neck warrior

by Courtney geroro August 10, 2023

Seven second warrior

A term used to describe a guy who doesn't last long in bed

Girl A: So I slept with Joe last night
Girl B: OMG how was he?
Girl A: He be a seven second warrior

by Hentacle January 9, 2020

le warrior

a heavily accented french canadian with a strong passion to larp as a person with an actual job.

Please stop trolling on the internet 24/7, quit being a le warrior.

by mark ash gerhard June 19, 2020