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White Lake

A small town with population a little under 400 people that contains a K-12 school, a small store, a lake, and a bunch of bars. In two words.. Like Elcho..

John: Ever been to White Lake?

Christie: Why would i want to?

by -TheUndercoverLaker April 29, 2013

Lake Flacid

When you can't get your dick hard in an outside environment.

"I was on a booty call in the woods and couldn't get bricked. Lake Flacid!"

by ambaryk November 16, 2023

Lake Crescent

The most goddamn beautiful lake in the world. Or at least for us Seattleites.

Katie: Hey girlfriend, what'd ya do this weekend.
Bella: Went up to Lake Crescent with my girlfriends. It was hella pretty, even without the cell service.

by xandroe August 24, 2017

Lake Washington High

A strangely modern shithole full of the finest menagerie of western high school America you have ever seen. 2000 students worth of goths, artsy kids, and… them (furries). The mascot is a shitty minimalist kangaroo, in an odd purple. Incessant and tacky branding everywhere… the only thing it’s got going for it is the fact that it’s almost decently funded.

With some of the worst football in its league, and the apparently a stoner population, it really is one of the high schools of all time.

All of the men’s bathrooms reek of super fruit mango fruit tooty vapes, and it isn’t an uncommon sight for 6 lads to be standing around vaping in each others faces, no homo.

Oh and some of the weirdest clubs ever. Cereal club? Anime club? Rhythm game club?

Also the site of the kangaroof sex (or the kang bang) which is now considered the greatest event in school history

Man: so where do you go to school little fella

Lake Washington high student: I go to LwHS so fuck right off you old creep

by December 6, 2024

Lake Erie sharks


Lake erie sharks booty

by D Gill October 6, 2020

samantha lake

little coward bitch that eat er dogs poopoo for bekfest

hello im samantha lake and Gerard way owns my ass

by twentychemicalpanickingwhores September 10, 2019

lake of sulphur

A metal band. A good one at that.

Let's listen to Lake of Sulphur and Byzantine....

by Returner April 16, 2004