Literally the best gal you’ll ever meet she’s kind quiet has a great personality all around is real casual and super beautiful if you meet her you’ll have found someone worth keeping
Oh man did you hear ? I’ve been talkin to Emily Grace !!
Emily made it out when she was a youngin. Now she's living her best life in the castle gaining all knowledge, of linear equations. She's the baddest in the room at all times.
Holy mamacita is that Emily in the Hood.
The perfect couple. They're always together, they always have inside jokes, and like the same kind of coffee. When you get the other with them, you are always saying, "awwwww!" At the things they do. Made for each other.
Girlfriend: We're breaking up.
Boyfriend: Why?
Girlfriend: Cause we couldn't be more like Emily and Micah.
A great couple that’ll have each other’s back. No one shall cheat to one another, And will be loyal to each other.
They’ll always share feelings for each other, and comfort one another.
Usually Emily is the better looking one...
Paul and Emily sittin in a tree,
First comes love, second comes marriage, blah blah blah and blah
The dumbest fuck you will ever see on this planet
Emily Treeless is a dumb fuck
One sexy mother fucker
She has a big fat ass
She a fucking asian
She is really fucking crazy 😧😦
She loves the sexy hot fucking korean guys , plus she's gay
Emily Agen
The queen of hyperpop and rap.
Emily Montes outsold Floppiana Grande.