Source Code

Whats The Beat

Whats Up Or Whats Happening

Whats The Beat Bro?

by [[K.E.L.]] August 5, 2008

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What a chop.

I remember saying this back in the 60's. It means, "Ha-ha, the joke's on you."

Like when someone is trying to play a practical joke on you and it backfires on them, you say, "Ha-ha, what a chop."

by Tari_Coraanu May 28, 2011

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What The Dick

What the dick is a phrase that is typically used to express frustration, disbelief, dissatisfaction, irritation, and many other emotions.

What the dick should be used only in the most serious of situations.

If you're looking for an alternative phrase that may be used in less serious situations, we recommend using the phrase "What the dicky".

What the dick Blaine; why did you just hit me the face?

by WTDI April 3, 2012

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What The FAQ?

1. A cleaner version of "What the F%@#?" Can be used in public places when being polite.

2. "What the F%$@?" is a frequently asked question, so it can be used in place of the more vulgar alternate. Also can be used when being ironic.

Person1: Whoa, look at the two-headed oragutan!
Person2: What the FAQ?

by xf0rg0tt3nx May 23, 2009

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OwO What's this?

n a n i

me: *notices bulge* OwO What's this?
him: dude wtf

by owouwueweiwikiwi June 17, 2018

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what a hero

phrase that should be shouted in exclamation when somebody does something heroic or incredible

Jason just scored a bicycle kick to win the game, what a hero!

by blackmagicman November 16, 2010

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what’s it called

when you don’t know what it’s called. commonly used in the snodland and chatham area.
pronunciation: wash-it-cald

oh my days um what’s it called

by tuftym May 24, 2019

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