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most extreme elimination challenge

A crazy English Dubbed Japanese show where the contestants run into walls jump ten feet face first into mud and make asses of themelves because some Japanese guy in a dress told them too.

Basically its wild and crazy kids meet Intolerable Gay reference television meet Godzilla meet the simpsons meet Family Guy meet you know screw it. Its funny ass hell on TNN. Has writers from shows like Night Court and other crap.

Damn that fools Retarded.

by Jestin Sane (Ima rapper) November 18, 2003

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Four Hour Four Four Loko Challenge

The ultimate alcoholic challenge where you have to drink four four loko in four hours

Chad: "Yo, bro, are you ready to take on the Four Hour Four Four Loko Challenge?"
Brad: "Yeah man! I can't to go to the ER!"

by Eric02 April 18, 2019

4 Loko Challenge - Summer Standoff Edition

It starts off like a nice, if not more intense and warped game of Edward 40 Hands. You and a buddy duct tape 2 Lokos to your hands, and add two to your feet. But then shit gets real, you're coming up with crazy ideas cuz you both took eight hits of acid. You drive out to the desert, stand 200 paces apart, face each other, and stand there (no walking around weenies), until all eight 4lokos are finished. Whoever finishes first, or doesn't pass out wins the duel.

What you'll need-
8 x 4lokos
1 x shitty car to drive to desert environment
2 x sets of balls

Bro 1- Hey bro, I was thinking about jerking off with a noose, but why don't we just go to the desert and do this 4 Loko Challenge - Summer Standoff Edition?
Bro 2- Hey Alright! It's a beautiful day to die! Maybe we can jerk it if we make it back alive!

by Blackout Mystic May 23, 2013

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most extreme elimination challenge

Show where these hot Japanese chicks (and a bunch of dudes) get pushed into mud pits and shit and while the commentators make remarks loaded with sexual innuendo about them.

After watching most extreme elimination challenge, I have to go on jlist . com

by nomorebushpleasegodnomorebush February 26, 2004

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All American Challenge - 2 Man Edition

Two people, have to drink a fifth, 12 pack of beers, smoke 4 Kings, eat 2 large pizzas, and complete a 250 piece puzzle.

This challenge is not for burgers.

β€œHey Spew do you wanna do the All American Challenge - 2 Man Edition?”
β€œHell yea Squanto”

by The Hilo Pito June 8, 2019

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1000 subscribers without any videos challenge

Proper synonym of introvert. Many spieces have been spotted, including a version who doesn't have a life on Subscriber "Muhamad" Wars.

M: "do you know any synonyms of introvert?"
L: "yeah, 1000 subscribers without any videos challenge is a good synonym"

by ⁣ July 10, 2020

2nd Day of December Turbo Joust Duel Challenge.

When there is a dispute between a parent and child over whether the 2nd of December is a day void of school attendance, there shall be a competitive joust to decide who is the victor for that year. If both parties are knocked from their mount/bicycle then they shall continue in a duel till a clear winner is established.

The duel can be conducted with safe and boring equipment like pool noodles or as has been tradition, really really sharp jousting poles.

The rules stipulate the winner only has ruling over 2nd December, the year the Turbo Joust Duel Challenge was conducted. Further disagreements in further years require another Turbo Joust Duel Challenge.

Koby/Mason: Awesome, 2nd December. I dont have to go to school today.

Dez: The 2nd of December is a normal school day and you WILL be going.

Lightning flashes

Everyone: Where did you come from??!!

Travis: That does not matter for now, what matters is this can only be resolved by a 2nd Day of December Turbo Joust Duel Challenge.!

by To_the_Victor November 27, 2019