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Chode broker

A chode broker is one who partakes in the buying and selling of chodes, in some cases for financial gain.

Person 1: Dude, I just hooked up with your ex girlfriend!

Person 2: Dude, you know what you are? You're a chode broker.

by peetypablo December 31, 2011

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Chode Smoker

1. The art of sucking a hairy man's short fat dick.
2. Something you call someone for being a dumbass

"Becky I'm sorry but I totally choded smoked your bf last night"

"Bro quit being a chode smoker"

by The Apache April 21, 2016

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a fork in the chode

The strange occurrence of a man with a very small penis going to go to the toilet and finding that he urinates in two different directions. Etymology: "a fork in the road" + "chode"

Bob: My mate's knob is so small, and not only that but he gets a fork in the chode like every time he goes to bathroom.

Rob: That's so disgusting, but weird, and actually kind of arousing.

by TheFoulestBeastOfThemAll October 30, 2011

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twinkle chode

a gay person who has a chode

that dude over their looks like a total twinkle chode

by icandance April 29, 2010

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chode face

Someone who has a fat and short head. Also, their nose may look like a little chode.

Samantha is a chode faced freak.

by GunterThePenguin April 18, 2019

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chode load

A load of sperm from a person with a chode finishing after having sex or jerking off

That kid mike lindsey gave off a huge chode load to that fat chick last night.

by mikelindseyAKRONOHIO330 February 21, 2010

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Chode Butter

The build up in the area between your asshole and balls.

Dude your chode butter smells so bad

by Dick Munchee February 11, 2008

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