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Steve-o disease

when you get ill but the only symptom is you sounding like Steve-o

he sounds like steve-o, he caught the steve-o disease

by bochetina November 1, 2022

Disease Bag

Disease Bag is someone has a disease.

Alexander Clifton Desnoyers: I cannot believed Mileena is a disease bag in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023).
Follower: What does you mean by that?
Fan: Well Mileena’s new bio in MK1 (2023) confirmed she has a lethal disease also the term “disease bag” is someone has a really serious disease.
Hater: Well now i can call someone with AIDS/HIV as “disease bag”.

by Alexander Clifton Desnoyers July 2, 2023

Zodiac Disease

A type of delusional thinking causing people to believe in unproven pseudoscience. It has different stages of severity, with the first stage causing the infected to believe that the month of their birth has an effect on how their day will go. Stage 2 Z.D. will cause the infected to believe in homeopathy, stage 3 means the person thinks that special sorts of crystals can have an effect on one's personality.

Stage 4 Zodiac Disease can take either or both of 2 forms: they believe the earth is flat and/or that vaccines cause autism.

Zodiac Disease can be contagious, it is highly advised to avoid any contact. The Vaccine Variety of Stage 4 Zodiac disease additionally bears the risk of further diseases being spread, be cautious.

Karen suffers from stage 4 zodiac disease

by Freshdumb December 23, 2019

monet disease

When a person looks good from far off but looks aweful close up. Like a Monet painting, looks good from a distance but a jumble of brush strokes up close.

Driving down the road you see a hot chick from a distance... But when you get close you discover she's old or ugly ...she has Monet disease!

by David Jag November 24, 2013

Pussy disease

When someone goes on a ski trip and makes up numerous excuses for why they can't ski properly, they are likely showing symptoms of pussy disease.

Simon: "Hey boys, I think Compo has pussy disease, he claims he can't see properly, his right quad is burning, feels sick, has developed a cough and claims he can't breathe. "

Brad: "yeah, that's pussy disease alright, his cough even sounds like a wild animal.

by Compo90 December 13, 2021

Blake disease

A person named Blake who is a douchebag and mean and when u try to be mean he just gets mad and blocks you

I think he suffers from Blake disease

by Ovenormitts February 20, 2019

soundcloud disease

idk but i heard it kills people by listening to bad music

boy get out with yo SoundCloud diseased phone

by gen J September 12, 2023