Usually used by road men in England, because guns aren’t allowed in England two opposing gangs will splash em down with thier blade
Ayo bruh, that Nikka from zone 2 tried to hit me up Bruce so I found em and splashed em down
A group of witches that a guy keeps as romantic partners.
A guy would hafta be pretty desperate for romance to want a harem-scare 'em of old wrinkly hags.
When you pour a gallon of lube in your partners anus then repeatedly use both fists to stretch it out
My partner said my head wasn’t big enough so we tried the ole rock em sock em
for a transmasculine male to unbind his breasts and "let em hang" out
you need to unbind NOW brother, let em hang
A spare pair of underwear or panties that you can discard... to hide devious sexual acts from a partner or in rare cases bodily fluid accidental discharge
Karen made sure she brought a pair of ditch-ems, for after her affair as to not alert her husband..