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Bubble Cushion

A bong, used to smoke marijuana usually.
Mentioned in "get 'em high" with talib kweli and kanye west.

I got a bubble cushion, a sister could get a hit of it.

by chchelly March 9, 2009

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double bubble

A double bubble is where you just can't stop farting and burping at the same time. This is very often caused through eating spicy food and drinking lots of gassy larger.

I had a brilliant Indian last night followed by five pints of lager. When I got home I just couldn't stop burping and farting. It was the worst double bubble I'd had for ages.

by pipesucker March 11, 2018

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Bubble Gum Choke

When a man stretches his balls and scrotum(similar to stretching a chewed piece of bubble gum) around a females(or a mans) neck and chokes the bitch.

Last night, I bubble gum choked a bitch with my large scrotum and balls.

by Martin Bolls February 28, 2007

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Cock Bubble Gum

The unsightly, flappy skin on an uncut penis.

Tiffy: I like, totally went down on his cock bubble gum!!

by Pammy Pop ^o^ August 27, 2009

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Ghetto Bubbly Bomb

The product created from mixing Four Loko and Olde English malt liquor. Variations can be made using alternate flavors of Four Loko.

It's a Ghetto Bubbly Bomb bro!

by Cubic Z and Djmoe March 15, 2011

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cum bubble

Bursts of air from a poo-hole.

"I cum-bubbled my froth all over the floor" - Christina Aguilera

by Arty von Farty July 7, 2003

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bubbly cum fart

Usually the outcome of some dude on dude action. It is the product of man cum and air pressure build up in the anus thus producing a bubbly cum fart.

Last night, Frank released the biggest bubbly cum fart after sex!

by Papi.chulo November 4, 2015

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