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shop talk

When bored guys rag on each other at work, with no actual harm intended.

shop talk example:

Person 1: "Need a hand carrying that box?"
Box Carrier: "Nah, I got it"
Person 2 (Usually shouted from a neighboring room): "He could use the exercise anyway"

by MacElster September 15, 2022

Jerry's bait shop

you know the place.

Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from Jerry's Bait Shop.
You know the place.

by plateenjoyer23 November 17, 2024

shopping-cart sidle

Refers to da "lift 'n' shift" grocery-wagon maneuver dat you utilize when making room for another customer if da aisle is too narrow/crowded to simply roll da trolley forwards/backwards outta da way; da action involves forcibly lifting up on da cart's handle to raise da fixed-forward rear wheels off da floor, and then muscling da cart sideways on its front swivel-wheels.

Anyone of average strength/agility can master da shopping-cart sidle fairly easily; da problem is if da cart is heavily loaded down wif merchandise, in which case trying to heave da back of da cart upwards can be much more difficult.

by QuacksO January 3, 2020

going to the flower shop

going to a transexual massage parlor

I just got a fist full of dollars from the race tracks so I'm going to the flower shop!

by sspamalot June 22, 2012

Twin Oaks Shopping Center

A large strip mall in Agoura Hills, CA that acts as the "shopping mall" of the area. Mainly because the mall companies wouldn't be caught dead building an actual mall in this crappy of an area. It is full of stores and businesses that closedown within a week either because of horrible business management, crushing business taxes, or shoplifted blind by the wannabe-gangsta kids of the neighborhood. During the day it is crowded with brainless girls doing tik-toks with Starbucks in hand, and at night it's crowded with the wannabe-gangstas that go to Agoura High and drunk college kids (that don't even live ANYWHERE in the area) that throw bottles at you if you get too close. (Speaking from experience).

"Did you hear what happened at the twin oaks shopping center?"

"Was there a fire? Did someone get shot? Just tell me all ready..."

by plus-size albert December 23, 2020

lee from the tea shop

a super scary emo kid

omg thats so lee from the tea shop

by spidermansgf November 27, 2021

Shop Sell Trade

Shop Sell Trade is a business model in which a store gets its inventory by purchasing daily from its customers. It is the best way to provide an exciting and changing shopping selection. Shop Sell Trade resale shops help you fill your closet with expensive name brand clothing without forking over too much cash. SHOP the great deals after you TRADE the stuff you aren't wearing for store credit. Or....SELL your cool stuff for cash if you don't care about wearing those sweatpants a few more times (but, really, those sweatpants are ugly. Ditch them for some new ones. Jeeesh!) Twice As Nice is a popular Shop Sell Trade fashion chain.

"I always choose Shop Sell Trade stores for the best deals. They give me store credit to spend when I clean my closets!"

by Resale Fanatic December 27, 2011