A question that is designed to only be asked of a Johnny that poses two, equally unappealing scenarios. The aim is to have the Johnny pick one for your amusement.
Hey Johnny, would you rather have Stone Cold Steve Austin rail you and yell "What?!" with every thrust, or get a rim job from a tiger? Johnny Trap
Something failing couples try to save their marriage. The man attaches a low pressure air pump to his pens and injects air into his bladder, he then has sex with his partner as normal while 'peeing the air into her, making a trombone sound.
I totally Johnny Trombone'd her last night.
Why don't you guys try the Johnny Trombone?
Take a shit, defecate. Called after slimy Johnny Howard the worst Australian Slime Minister ever.
Let's all drop a johnny on Johnny Howard. Good idea, but he won't smell any more than he already does.
The sexual act where the woman lies on the ground with her legs over her head and the man places both testicles in the woman’s anus. This is best performed with large and hanging testicles.
How’s your sister’s asshole? Because I hit her with the Johnny Appleseed last night.
Man, her asshole was tight...that was a painful Johnny Appleseed I gave her.
An expression used when that dumbass Johnny does some stupid shit again.
Fuckin Johnny pooped in the microwave again
A blue eyed, kind on the inside, dink on the outside Johnny. He has big ears and a reseeding hairline but sports the cutest most innocent face. ( he's rarely innocent) He can't grow hair to save his life. He's a great dad, even to kids that aren't his. He gets carded buying alcohol cuz of his baby face. He thinks he's always right and never admits his faults. He's mostly talented at everything he does (super annoying) he's super lovable and you have a hard time hating him or staying mad at him. His girlfriend usually drives a jacked up truck. She's super pretty and super easy going. He passes people off being a dumbest and that's how he was deemed "fuckin Johnny"
Omg he did that? Not surprised. Fuckin johnny!!
A blue eyed, kind on the inside dink on the outside Johnny. He has big ears and a reseeding hairline but the cutest most innocent face (he's never innocent) he thinks he's always right and never admits his faults. He's mostly talented at everything he does (super annoying) he's super lovable but you want to hate him at the same time.
He fucked one of your best friends? Oh thats definitely something fuckin johnny would do