A lanky, gangley, sickly looking individual. As if they haven't eaten in days. Looking as if the wind could blow her or him away
"What's wrong with Michael?"
"Yeah, he's being a real Mr. BoGangles."
a right nonce who thinks he knows everything, commonly found with a London accent. a Mr Payne doesn't often joke but if he does it's cancerous. WARNING - Will shout of you share a ruler
classmate: hey, you got a ruler?
A substitute teacher the size of the death star, has gills, be careful not to look down or you will see her pussy
Oh no we have Mrs. Bruce as a sub get your gas mask ready
Mr. stantana is a big foo and annoying ass teacher. He got caught at the strip club and he makes his students bend down for CHOIR. He is annoying and sometimes he reminded me of a killer slash rapist. He be crippled too.
Mr. Santana is crippled.
A subtle and polite way of calling someone a cunt.
In reference to "See You Next Tuesday"
"Hey there Mr. Tuesday !"
"Fuck he's such a Tuesday"
“One tree can make a thousand matches, but one match can burn a thousand trees.”
“Mr scales, what the fuck?”