Shorthand for Kenworth (whose abbreviation is KW), a brand of semi-truck/big rig
Jim bought himself a brand new K-dub the other day to replace his old truck.
Getting black out on Monday drinking Dupra Vodka.
Are you coming over for Dub-a-lub Monday?
You got some dubba dub in that pic...
You might be fat but at least you don't got no dubba dub.
that one kid that is too much of a dumbass to read the subtitles
Friend : Why do you watch anime dubbed its so bad.
Other friend : Because!!I 1don't wanna read subtitles that stupiddddddd!!!!!! Im trying to enjoy the showawwdwas1ww!!12112!!1w not go to school!!!!!!1
Friend : you're such a dub monkey
To Make Something Better.
Or A Damn Good Deal
Store Clerk: If You Were to wait for me To Get Off
I Could Get You That Mone-Dub Price.
The act of shitting yourself at breakfast
“Hey man, I just did a Dubs”
“Guys, I Dubssed whilst eating my toast this morning”