Source Code

Say Boys

Assurance that the statement just declared is legitimate.

To which the declaration of "boys" marks the statement spoken is, in fact, factual

Clevens: I just shit my pants

George: Say Boysss
Clevens: boys
George: wtf you doin bruh

by OfficialHUBERT123 July 8, 2022

What ya say?

Hey, what are you up to friend?

*Incoming Call from Person B*

Person A: "Hello?"

Person B: "What ya say?"

Person A: "Nothing much comrade, what you up to?"

by theDudeYouNevaKnow August 11, 2022

Sai Krishnan

Sai is a great person. Everyone loves their presence. Loyal and trustworthy with sound knowledge. Cares for his family and friends.

Travel and food makes them happy. Sai is destined to be successful. Slowly he progress towards his dreams. Sai makes a place warm and happy.

I like to have friends like Sai Krishnan.

Sai is so honest and loyal

by Rm-rm November 24, 2021

kundimudi sai

Kundimudi sai is a guy who has thick curly hair in their asses and every girl loves it

Boy: I'm kundimudi sai
Girl:awww! I love u

by Jameskakki August 10, 2020

Do whatever Owen says month

Izzy- It is may so i must do whatever Owen says

Do whatever Owen says month means during the month of may you must do whatever he says

by Owen987 April 17, 2023

Says Justina

A saying usually said after one exposes extreme femininity. (usually a male) Adapted by a very male name "Justin," Justina is the name referred to any man exhibiting any form of panzy-ness or woman-like qualities. In other words, a man acting as if he possesses a vagina.

Boy: Ugh I don't understand why she isn't calling me? What am I doing wrong!?
Boy's friend: ...Says Justina

Boy: The world hates me today, I'm going to order like 5 Big Macs.
Boy's Friend: ...says Justina, would you like a tampon with those?

by FloridaUC April 12, 2011

Imma say around mmm 2 clock

Phrase, Something Colin says when he really has no idea what to say. Usually has nothing to do with time.

Paul: hey do you know why there is butter all over my tv?
Colin: imma say around mmm 2 clock

by Paul1717 December 24, 2024