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Mac and Cheese

Best food in the world. I could literally eat it in 3 seconds it’s delicious

Person 1: Hey what’s ur fav food?
person 2: MAC AND CHEESE

by PastelSour February 10, 2023

Mac and cheese

Mac but also with cheese

I am eating mac and cheese and it’s really good 10/10 would recommend

by Jdpqkndndie March 29, 2020

Mac and cheese

Literally the most perfect meal ever. You can eat it on the go or at home. All hail Box Mac and cheese

Guy 1: “hey have you eaten Mac and cheese recently?”
Guy 2: “yeah”
Guy 1: “cool”

by dreamsmpsimp January 20, 2021

mac and cheese

a yellow gooey food macaroni food.

I ate yummy gooey mac and cheese for my birthday dinner.

by ughzoelaverne April 8, 2021

Sneaky Mac

When you sneakily touch a person on the inner thigh and then smell your own hand.

Alyssa Magdalene: I went over to Jimmy’s cabin last night and he tried to Sneaky Mac me.
Ben Carrot: Ew he is such a creep.

by Connormacdaddy October 14, 2022

Sneaky Mac

When you rub your leg against a girl leg in the hope of getting a blow job.

Nikita Micro: How did you go last night at bible campy with Alyssa?

Connor Jimmy: Not good, I tried a Sneaky Mac but didn’t get the happy ending.

by Connormacdaddy October 17, 2022

Sneaky Mac

When you’re at bible camp and finally build up the courage to touch a girls leg.

Alyssa Bestie: omg I went over to jimmys room last night and he Sneaky Mac’d me!
Ben Carrot: Ew what a creep!

by Whoneedsajobba5 October 13, 2022