A Robert demoró quote where he explains focker is our of his circle of trust, use when someone has fucked up.
Zach that’s the 3rd time you cockblocked me tonight, you’re out of the circle.
A group game ; A female sits on a lazy susan in the middle of a circle of erect males. She is instructed to spin herself around in a circle. The first male to ejaculate and hit her face wins a free buffet ticket to the Golden corral.
Gina(pronounced Jye-Nuh) was so excited to join Barry at Golden Corral
after he heroically won an intense game of Circle Sally in hopes of a first date.
When a group of people form a circle around a person who deserves to be punished and as a team, punch that trapped person repeatedly.
That was a stupid move Emily, don’t make the family circle punch you.
When someone gets on both and proceeds to suck your dick. The term circle suck comes when you lift them off their legs and start rotating them around in a vertical motion while they’re still mouthed to your dick.
Otis was talking shit so I told him to get on both, and I’ll help him circle suck me
When you and your suicidal friends are standing in a circle and all at once slit each others throats, killing everyone at once.
Me and my friends made a suicide pact and are doing a slit circle tonight.
When you try to convince someone that you don’t have an STI and use it as an excuse
I don’t have the clap it’s just a viscous circle
When a group of mates gather in a circle each facing the same way around the circle, front to back, drop down to a crouch, and shove an ecstasy tablet up the arse of the person in front. Then when all the pills are shelved, turn into the middle of the circle, touch fingers and say "E.T. Phone Home!"
"Me and Lockie had some mates around last night for a Port Lincoln Crop Circle. It was pretty Loose ay"