Source Code

Golden Splashing

When an indivdual urinates into a cup (plastic or otherwise) and another person immerses their penis into said cup and comes into contact with the urine.

"Terry just can't stop golden splashing his mum."

by Sam, Liam and Liz for putting it up October 9, 2005

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Golden Earring

When you pee in your lover's ear so hard it makes his or her ear ring

Jasper: hey did you and Jay have fun last night?

Marty: What? I can't hear you, Jay gave me a Golden Earring!

by Lis-Far March 19, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Golden Bath

The act of pissing in the tub for 15 days straight then take your lover blind fold them and proceed to drowned them in it.

Dude i tryed the golden bath last night.

by AMRASX August 12, 2008

239๐Ÿ‘ 664๐Ÿ‘Ž

golden winnebagoes

A yellow colored camper

Man, those are some big and expensive Golden Winnebagoes in the campground over yonder

by Kabalah backwards April 23, 2006

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Golden retriever

When you leave a piece of jewelry in someone after fisting and go back in to get it - reference "dirty hazleton"

After a sexual encounter Pj couldn't find his watch, so he had to give Racheal a golden retriever

by Angry T December 27, 2016

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Golden Salad

Peeing in somebody's butt, then eating it out.

I wanted some coke, so I gave him a golden salad

by The Big Kahuna March 8, 2004

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golden hello

A term you may have previously used in business to describe a cash bonus on appointment, not in this instance though!..........

The sudden deluge of warm sweet smelling regurgitated SMA Gold infant formula that runs down your neck and shoulders during 'burping' - usually followed by a smile. It's what you get for being lazy and trying to get the whole bottle down without 'burping' mid way.

"Darling, has Jemima been fed" "Er-nope, not exactly she's
just had a golden hello"

by Brucester September 13, 2006

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