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Vincent Thomas bridge

Hugely under celebrated span suspension bridge in Los Angeles linking Los Angeles harbor with San Pedro and terminal island. While it's been used in several films and TV shows it's most prominently featured in the 1985 thriller to live and die in la
In spite of it's 'star turn', this bridge has nevt become a tourist attraction like it's more well known brethren San Francisco s golden gate bridge or New Yorks. Brooklyn bridge
On a more somber note.the bridge was. Most recently in the national spotlight in August of 2012 when director Tony Scott (brother of the acclaimed director Ridley Scott) took his own life by jumping off the span of this bridge

The vincent Thomas bridge is prominently featured in the closing credits of the movie "to live and die in la"driven by the pulse pounding score of Wang Chungs. Seminal hit song "wait".

by 4realazitgits March 31, 2021

Astor x thoma

Astor (amazing bff) shipped with genshin impact character thoma

“Omg do u ship Astor x thoma ???”

by secret shhhhhhhhhhhhh October 9, 2021

Andrew Thomas Bettcher

the guy with the hot sister that James Likes

Andrew Thomas Bettcher and his hot sister lives at 1 culburra avenue go see his sister or call

by dirtkidd July 25, 2022

Nervous Thomas Jefferson

When someone unintentionally self-sabotages themselves on a date by being overly sensitive about a food/drink choice made by their dining companion

“Listen Miles, if they want to drink merlot, we’re drinking Merlot.”
“No, if anyone orders Merlot, I’m leaving, I AM NOT drinking any FUCKING MERLOT!”
“Okay relax Miles, fine no merlot. Don’t pull a nervous Thomas Jefferson.”

by Thomasjefferson15 July 12, 2022

St. Thomas University

A liberal arts school also known as STU in Fredericton, NB. Athletics are the heart and soul of this school as they bring in money to pay for the unending debt under the schools name. Specifically the hockey team who gets more attention than anyone/team. A Tim Hortons and Subway fulfill the food options in JDH. In the back corner you can find all the athletes pretending to do homework. The rest of the students do their best to stay away from this area. The classes are easy and the campus has 6 buildings all within 1 minute walking distance. STU encourages people to be whoever they want. You can find people walking around with weird coloured hair and unfashionable clothes on. Everyone is free to give their opinion and do not care if they hurt others feelings. People who graduate from STU are not likely to go anywhere far in life unless they do post grad. The most valuable thing taught at STU is how to use the bussing system and how to respect the native land on which the school resides.

Job interviewer: it says here you went to St. Thomas University. What did you take?
Student: I majored in Irish studies and minored in theatre.

Interviewer: Oh. What did you learn from your time at STU?
Student: I learned how to finger paint, go to my safe space whenever I feel necessary and stand in line at Tim Hortons for 30 minutes!
Interviewer: I see... well perhaps this job isn’t a good fit for you.
Student: I respect your opinion and thank you for your time. Unless you are a conservative. In that case I am sorry for talking to you.

by thatsthetea123 November 1, 2019

Thomas The Shit Engine

The act of pulling out from anal on a cold Winter night to the surprise of your dick covered in steaming poo, yelling out "choo-choo!"

As Bobby pulled out of her ass he looked down and saw Thomas The Shit Engine appear. "Choo-choo!" Bobby exclaimed.

by Vanilla.Magic June 4, 2020

Thomas William hiddleston

The man who ruined my standards. A walking god . Gentleman and all of the above .


by Iamyourslavet.h March 13, 2022