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Derogatory term describing a particular customer of sex workers who spend way more than the average amount of time and money usually required to receive sex in hopes of being liked/loved more by the worker. This is unfortunately for the trick never the case as it comes off as overly pathetic and commands 0 respect, the trick is not limited to sex workers and can be as simple as A person trying to unsuccessfully garner the affection of an uninterested person by way of overly spending money & time on them.

Yea ronaldo put a whole 100$ of my niggas books cuz i told him it was my little brother in jail ahaha wat a stupid trick.

That nigga offset married cardi b, trick ass nigga lol

by Jcommo May 16, 2023



Shut up stupid trick

by Your a trick November 30, 2017


nosy bitches who want to get all up in your business

That girl is such a trick.

by BastilleFan September 1, 2015


A girl who plays games with the purpose of achieving a certain outcome. Money, sex etc.

I’m not a simp trick, your just a busty hoe who wants a free ride in this Goddamn Mercedes AMG.

by Realest1Out February 4, 2022


1)A prostitute, typically a term used for a gay male prostitute, derogatory. Often working at a taxi cab

2)A prostitute's patron, or used man, taken advantage of by a girl.

Ex 1: That trick was so smokin' I thought he was a girl!

Ex 2: You let her get away with that? Man, you're such a trick.

by Anonymous 4 A Reason May 10, 2009


The greatest trick the devil played was convincing people that he wasn't real.

Hym "Wrong again, idiot! The greatest trick the devil played was convincing people that God can't speak for itself."

by Hym Iam July 24, 2022

Trick Dick Licker

The adjective word for a ignorant white person who is speaking offensively about minorities.

Gabe: That trick dick licker said he can't speak Mexican.

by Marvin Lagarda August 11, 2011

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