person 1: "lea is so annoying."
person 2: "she's a vsco girl."
person 1: "explains a lot."
Girls named rylee , gracelyn and Casey usually the names of vsco girls they wear scrunchies crocs birks and have a apple phone it is a trend and is not mean to say it
Aw that girl over there that’s gracelyn and Riley they are vsco girls
VSCO girl- a great marketing move to promote an excellent app. But which came first? The VSCO girl or the VSCO app? And who still wears scrunchies?
Want to market? Make up a good day word, hype it, then blow it up!!!! Try the VSCO girl app today.
You will find these ultra basic females carrying around a hydroflask at all times, usually multiple scrunchies, charm bracelet, shell necklace and wearing vans
VSCO Girls “And I oop sksksksksk I dropped my hydroflask sksksk I see you don’t have one, here you want one I have soooo many and they allll have these cute stickers all over it”
Vsco gir: a girl which considers herself " vsco ". Most VSCO girls use phases like " SKSKSKS " or " SAVE THE TURTLES! ". VSCO is actually an app but some people consider it a style. Vsco style is actually basic with a few sprinkles
Person1: *says a joke*
Person1: she is surely a VSCO Girl