Source Code

I don’t remember our rent being due

This sentence is an idiomatic expression referring to someone who is expressing an extreme need for money as soon as possible as if their rent was due, this can materialize in working extra hard for your money and or doing extreme begging.

This sentence can also be used as a question, "Is your rent due?" meaning "Do you need money?",

as a statement, "Bro's rent is due" or "Rent was/is due" meaning "That man really needs money" or "I really need money"

and as a adverb, "Bro is acting like his rent is due" meaning "He's working very hard to earn that money, almost like his rent is due."

Guy 1: *Doing extreme stunts while panhandling"
Guy 2 (roommate): "What the hell is this guy doing? I don’t remember our rent being due."

Guy 2: "Is your rent due?"

Guy 1: "I'll do anything for 10 dollars!"
Guy 2: "Bro's rent is due"

Guy 1: *Starts breakdancing widely on cardboard behind a tip jar*
Guy 2 "Bro is acting like his rent is due"

by coeryxtynt September 6, 2024

omg wow i am fklflflshfkwgfu4y3gfi2ugfi2ugfp2igfi2gfo2

if you put it in a google doc i looks like people fighting

-()-/ /()\ |\

L L II / \ omg wow i am fklflflshfkwgfu4y3gfi2ugfi2ugfp2igfi2gfo2

-()-/ /()\ |\

L L II / \ omg wow i am fklflflshfkwgfu4y3gfi2ugfi2ugfp2igfi2gfo2

fighting guys it means

by wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm,mnbv March 11, 2022

Can I bomb

to have sex with someone

mark: can i bomb
Mary: Only if you use protection

by jlabrusc14 June 5, 2017

OMG i literally cannot.

A strong emotion/feeling that white girls feel where they literally cannot.

girl 1: oh my god can you believe that the boy next class liked my photo??
girl2: OMG i literally cannot.

by bruh momentinum September 22, 2019

Am I dumb?

A negative expression to express when you feel you did something wrong or incorrectly. (The opposite of the more positive "Am I smart?")

I tried to do my math homework; here are my answers: Am I dumb?

This makes no sense... Am I dumb?

I can't do this, Am I dumb?

by LingDanc803 September 14, 2023

I don't like Syakeel he beat me

I don't like Syakeel he beat me

I don't like Syakeel he beat me

by Handle100 August 8, 2023

I dot know

It is a language that is extremely sophisticated and requires a lot of training. It consists of many words that come from the English language: such as "dot" which means don't. If you like to learn the language well you're out of luck as it is only spoken by two known people in the entire universe... and they are a mystery.

I dot know is a language

by I_dot_kno_ January 21, 2021