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Robson Rage

This is when unnecessary high volume of anger is realised by an individual for an unknown reason. This is normally directed at close friends and girlfriends. Robson rage is particularly common in people with reddish hair and individuals that attended private education. Early triggers of Robson rage can be as minimal as asking if the individual has put on weight or if he has attempted to dye his hair.

Robson Rage - ' F*cking Andy Carroll'

by Sell Toner June 23, 2011

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When producing the sounds of smooth jazz sax is the only thing keeping you from stabbing a bitch.

You feeling ok? The homie saw you rage-saxing on the pier at 2am.

by Ace Monroe June 8, 2017

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Rage shitting

When amber heard poops in your bed.

Looks like Amber was rage shitting again, this time she shit in the bed.

by A very rich widow May 8, 2022

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Raging Bargain

An amazing deal that is hard to come across, most likely to be found at Wal-Mart.

You guys, come quick! You can't pass up this raging bargain!

by MASTER SPORK May 29, 2011

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Trade Rage

N. A form anger bordering on RAGE over rejected and vetoed trades proposed in your Fantasy Football/Baseball League. Often resulting in loss of friends, sleepless nights and in extreme cases incontinence.

After having his 2nd trade vetoed, P-Tool's Trade Rage made it his life's mission to lobby against every trade posted in The League this year.

by Southwestern Cameltoes November 10, 2009

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Nerd Rage

1. A term used to describe anger or disgust by a person over the details of a dearly-held franchise.

2. A term used to describe anger or disgust by a person during an interactive form of entertainment where the winner is not the one showing anger/disgust.

3. A weekly web comic about two nerds who argue about nerdy things. One character usually embodies current internet opinion over a movie, comic or game while the other tries to talk him out of being a moron.

1. "Michael Bay's handling of childhood-hero Optimus Prime caused a lot of nerd rage. Everyone knows Prime would never shoot off a captive enemy's head with a giant robot shotgun!"

2. "Spawn camping their team caused a lot of nerd rage. Block his mic so you don't hear him whining."

3. nerdragecomic.com

by BegoniaMan November 21, 2011

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Rage Quit

Some one who rages and then quits. Usually in Online games or Online chat rooms.

Gamer 1 - "What the @#$* Im Never comming to this F!*King PLACE AGAIN!!!!!!!!"
Gamer 1 - Quits*
Gamer 2 - "What happened?"
Gamer 3 - "I think she rage quit"

by Beeep22 February 24, 2015

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