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freezer burn

An excessive amount of ice dangling from a person's body

Did you see Justin today? He's totally freezer burned...

by Liney February 15, 2005

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Beaver Burn

A skin irritation, typically on the back of ones neck, caused when a females unkempt pubic hair rubs repeatedly on skin.

โ€œso during the full-moon party, we jumped into the water for naked wrestling, and this German chick left a hell of a Beaver Burn on my neck!!โ€

by kitsune at the beach August 4, 2008

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burning wood

a slang term for having mass amounts of gay sex.

Aaron was totally burning wood last night with dallas

by mr. dr. sinbad odysseus jr sr February 21, 2009

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The Burning Times

One of the biggest misconceptions in the world. Contrary to some "Wiccans" beliefs, the Burning Times did not involve the mass hunting and burning of "witches." People weren't hiding their practice of "witchcraft" to prevent themselves from being killed. One african woman was practicing her native religion, likely a form of spirit worship such as voodoo. That was about it. Nearly all other accusations of "witchcraft" were because of things like make-up, adultury, and herb-lore.

Idiot Wiccan (Better known as Fluffy-Bunny): "Never again The Burning Times."
Me: Not much on actual history, outside of what Ravenwolf says, are you?

by Insanity Inc. August 14, 2006

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Brain Burn

The sensation of severe burning in your sinus when something nasty makes its way up there, for example, horseradish, and even worse, wasabi.

Oh wow, this bowl of noodles looks good, lets put some wasabi in it...*slurp slurp*...OH GOD MY SINUSES!!!BRAIN BURN!!!

by General Specific September 22, 2008

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Burning Diarrhea

When your Diarrhea burns your butt hole as it's coming out. Usually happens after you eat a lot of spicy food and the extra capsaicin decided to leave the hard (or soft, liquid) way.

Emi: Did you see Luke?
Mitch: Nah, he's back in his dorm with a bad case of Burning Diarrhea.
Emi: Oh shit that sucks. What did he eat?
Mitch: Day old B-Dubs.
Emi: Oh, well he should of say that coming.

by Morella Persidone October 13, 2011

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Burned Rice

an asian dude's dick that got stuck in a fire. usually deformed.

Guy: Man, have you seen a picture of that guys burned rice?
Guy 2: I don't know why he would send that to that girl, burned rice isn't good for anybody, dude.

by lukesucks October 25, 2015

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