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A motherfuckin G, fearless, big dick, funny and gets all the bitches. Word

Bitch#1: Anthony so fucking cool

Bitch #2: I know I want him in me

by realweeds November 20, 2023


Anthony’s are very chill and just lives life as it goes because they know god has them they don’t worry about the past or future just the present. There usually the coolest in the friend group, they know how to treat people especially females they will treat u so well then maybe soon ghost you because they need more money, they believe there is no limit and preach fbgm.

(girl) “do you miss me
(anthony) “yes”
(girl) “how much?”
(anthony) “not as much as the money I spent on clothes and shoes”

by internet nigga June 22, 2023


Anthony's are weird, dramatic, and somewhat funny. They often are optimistic and Extroverted. They are crazy but good friends. They always seem to look for the better in people and care for others. Hanging out with them is sure to be a delight. Having friends is something that comes naturally to them resulting in almost everyone knowing their name.

Wow that person is such an Anthony

by screw YOU REEEEE November 4, 2019


Anthony still loves his ex. But it with someone . Also he loves 2 people but still leaves someone to get with the other one

Anthony leaves his friend s for someone better then them if he stays with you he grateful

by Tonykingq101 May 23, 2021


Anthony is a confident man , he thinks he gets all the girls in his country but really they all think he is a weirdo, but he has a great heart he is a great friend to all the boys and he loves having fun. People do think he has a something wrong with him but that’s who he is . Anthony’s Pe pe is normally full of pimples but every one still loves him especially Greeks , he has heart and loves his sport

Anthony a good guy

by Twofoursixeight December 9, 2021


a certified lover boy

Anthony is such a certified lover boy

by nekkolvr February 2, 2023


ANTHONY Likes his men’s fat and chubby but back off-😂 he eats ass and kiss trees he loves to lick your bottom of your feet so please don’t be mean and let him✌🏼👀👀

Rando:bruh anthony licked all over my toes

Rando: hehfhdkkxbvndnjdjcbc ew

by Catrattat123 February 5, 2020