1: A Video Game
2: When someone in a gang, particularly a gang leader, a 'boss', pulls a drive-by on a homeless person or a random person.
Tenasha: "Did you see the gang leader hit that Drift Boss on the local Homeless Man."
Tasha: "Da."
National Girl Boss Day is every Wednesday. Every Wednesday we get to see Girl Boss, that is her day. We dedicate this day to Girl Boss and Girl Boss ONLY.
Today is National Girl Boss Day! Can’t wait to see her!
The leader of the sus clan, only nigga to shove 3 books up his ass in English class.
Oh hey chad...., it’s ross da boss
A videogame boss seen on the cover of the game, mentioned in the lore or hyped up when the game released or is releasing, and these bosses end up being the most easiest boss you encounter ever in the game.
These bosses could have the most disturbing lore that sounds like a serial killer documentary, most big ass weapon or is a dead necrotic skeleton king who pulled as many women as he wanted, yet you defeat them on first or second try.
These bosses are usually in souls-borne games such as Elden Ring or Dark Souls.
Person: Damn I just got this game yesterday and I'm almost done with it and the dragon on the games cover uhh what was his name? Oh yeah, it was "Stormslayer" he was very easy bruh. I checked the wiki and this boss had like 3000 HP.
Person2: Goddamn that's a Hype-up Boss
reading an article about the science of addiction with nic in your hand
sam the country girl: “ not me reading an article ab the science of addiction with nic in my hand”
miryam: “that’s literally the definition of girl bossing”
sam the country girl: “literally”
Those really gay hippie bands people wear across their foreheads.
often it's really a hairband around their heads...
tell tale clues of these tools? the red marks around their heads that remain after removal.
Yo what's that hair thing doing around Christie's head?
- Oh, that? It's a Boss Band.
to prove to someone that you are the best and most powerful person on the planet
Person 1: Hey dude, you've got to kill someone in the school and show him who's boss of the school.
Person 2: Okay. I