Source Code

FaceTime buddy

If you want someone to become a person to FaceTime you while you do dirty stuff with each other

Hey you wanna be my FaceTime buddy?’

‘Of course. This will be fun. Can’t wait to get kinky!’

by slopatron June 1, 2020

5👍 10👎

bed buddy

Slang term for one's male homosexual lover.

Is it true that Mike and Steve are bed buddies?

by volpot January 27, 2003

17👍 41👎

Buddy boost

A quick-recharge, high-alpine energy shot delivered by slamming a mouthful of your bro's protein-rich load. Comes in various flavors depending on what's served at base camp.

I was really struggling up the last few hundred vertical feet of that summit. Luckily my friend loaded me up with a buddy boost; it gave me the protein I needed for the final push!

by HunterCurtisJake September 8, 2010

3👍 5👎

snowball buddies

When two people have both made out with the same person.

Sarah, you made out with Christine? High five, we are snowball buddies!

by Jew Dan September 5, 2011

3👍 5👎


A friend with benefits.

Jason and I are SUCH pud-buddies! Last night we played X-Box and then fucked.

by J'ai poux. November 9, 2008

3👍 5👎

Penis Buddy

Opposite of Cuddy Buddy

" Robert You cant be Katie's Cuddy Buddy cuz you dont have a cuddy! "

" I know man, Im her penis buddy! "

by RoRo13 January 4, 2009

6👍 14👎

Swag Buddy

A item usally a small stuffed anything that brings up ur swag. Its basically something to compliment your swag you can only have one swag buddy and depending on your level of swag multiple swag items. swag items are items not as important as your swag buddy but still compliment your swag and can be anything. You must have your swag buddy around you at all times.


by cubamna92 August 7, 2009

5👍 11👎