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covid bait

A person with one or more visible risk factors for severe Covid-19 illness, especially if the factors are within the individual's ability to mitigate.

Jerry's over 300 pounds and I saw him sharing smokes with the other factory workers. That guy is covid bait, it's just a matter of time.

by BettyHumpter September 15, 2021


When smoking opens up the arteries, which could allegedly help to better fight the viruses in the body, with tobacco companies excited to fund any research that shows that nicotine in controlled amounts is a potential cure to the coronavirus.

Chain smokers are thrilled to hear that Covid-🚬 is their friend rather than their foe in fighting Covid-19.

by Covido December 25, 2020

2👍 10👎


When you rent out a 3 bed hotel room and have a threesome in three separate beds (because social distancing) where you can’t touch your partners but can touch yourself while you look at them.

Seán: “Man, I had the best COVID-3 last night!”

Bully: “No you didn’t, virgin.”

Seán: “I know :(

by NotSean123 August 3, 2020

24 Hour COVID

24 Hour COVID

"She was freaking out over a sore throat and went to get one of those COVID tests - the test was negative when she checked a couple of days later though..she was pretty relieved"

"oh well, might have just been a slight case of 24 hour COVID LOL"

by Devlin Dogue August 11, 2020

Covid Lifteasy

An unlawful gathering spot to lift weights together and get gains during a covid crisis.

We are heading out to my buddies gym to lift some weights. It’s a regular covid lifteasy

by Danc818 June 15, 2020

Covid Coat-tails

Claiming you have had COVID-19 based on being around or in close contact with a person who’s had COVID-19 to reap the financial and emotional benefits.

Oh Steven? His wife Sally had COVID-19... he’s just riding her covid coat-tails to try to make her buy him things and feel for him. He’s a douche

by Sweaty dirt pig August 6, 2021

Covid Paper Jacked

When someone steals your stash of toilet paper you horded during the corona virus outbreak.

I had a 100 rolls of toilet paper and then I left my garage door open for 5 minutes and some asshole covid paper jacked me.

by Jimmapp March 17, 2020