Possibly the best website dictionary in the world.
Urban Dictionary is recommended if you don't know how to spell a word or you don't know what it means/
A website that had great potential until preteens came and took over writing about boys/girls who broke they’re heart and how terrible they are.
“(insert name here) broke my heart, I better put it on urban dictionary. Here’s everything wrong with them and btw this example pertains to everyone else who has this name.“
Some piece of shit site that can't update itself so that it doesn't look like it's from 2006.
why the fuck is urban dictionary so bad
"Hey i wonder what an urban dictionary is."
"Idiot, you're on it. LOLOLOLOLOLO *troll face*."
A dictionary that is for the city. Online.
Urban Dictionary
A site that is no longer in color now for some reason.
Urban dictionary made me think i went colorblind.
I ain't gonna tell you. If you're looking this up, you're bored as hell, and are probably procrastinating on something important. (Like I am right now.)
Why should I waste my time on Urban Dictionary when I should be working.