A Korean girl and a great dick sucker
Fun to play with and would do anything you want her to do
Come here Grace Yun!
Get on your knees and give me 20!
Very Unathletic and an extreme girly girl. She likes to deepthroat but always chokes
Grace Long deepthroats
A young yet mature woman who does not not partake in the act of "turning up".
A. Oh my God it's getting late!
B. Calm down Granny Grace its only 9pm.
One very goofy person, one beautiful person, and the girl I care a lot for. She is a very fun person and the one person who will always listen to your problems no matter how dumb they might be.
Lilly Grace Abbott is a great girl
The most beautiful smart talented girl in the entire world, I love her to the moon and back <3
Evie Grace Quinn is my bsf!
The most beautiful girl in the entire world, my best friend :)))) love her to the moon and back
I love Evie grace Quinn
Grace glen is your usual bird fae pans.
U will usually here it shouting “mussy boys on top ya chiken” even though the young female stays in pans?? They are a Questionable species
“Here did u hear something- sounded like someone was repping mussy???” Says tjay miller sparkin a doob
“Aw aye thats just that grace glen upty nae good as per” shouted zak Dixon