Originally a hipster was someone who had seen through society's bullshit, or were trying to. Now it's a "lifestyle choice".
I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,
angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night,
Hipsters are people that use slang to make themselves feel unique. They dress weirdly and talk even weirder.
hipster 1: dude that's sick dog
hipster 2: that dog done be sick dough
Someone who strives too be unique and different, and would usually avoid mainstream. Typical hipsters have a certain taste in music, food, etc. and they'd think that only smart people would appreciate it.
Opposite of normie
A: Wanna get some pizza?
B: No way, it's too mainstream!
A: You're such a hipster.
Someone who follows the latest fashions
Hey, that hipster stole my wallet!
Someone who avoids anything mainstream
John: Want to go starbucks?
Jim: No I was there before anyone else.
John: and?
Jim: Therefore I'm not going!
John: You're such a hipster!
Jim: No I'm not!
Anybody who wears white vans an ripped jeans and goes to Starbucks
Dude your such a Hipsterism look at you
They establish new trends, bring back old ones, make use of the bizarre, and bring back what has been abandoned. True hipsters are creative, artistic and, despite their unconformity to culture, have a great sense of what will and will not be acceptable. They can take an old pair of shoes from their father's closet and make them trendy again. They can go to a Goodwill, spend $17.50 on an entire outfit, and still be best-dressed at the party. Everyone wants to be a true hipster, but hardly anyone is. True hipsters come by one-in-a-thousand; or even fewer. The other nine-hundred and ninety-nine "hipsters" just walk on foundations already laid by the true hipster. They do irregular things just because they want to be cool, not because they are naturally innovative and creative.
True Hipster - "I don't have money for all the expensive brands. It's ok though, I found some cool stuff at Goodwill that I can afford."
Hipster Look-A-Like - "I have loads of money, but I'm going to go buy used clothes at the Goodwill, just because it's the thing to do."