Mean lady who is a grandma to many but is mean to the one who actually loves her a lot and has favoritism probloms
Karen is a girl
Karen is likely a middle-aged woman, who believes her generation was the best and all other generations are inferior. She likes to annoy those from other generations by bringing an authority figure for a situation that doesn't go her way. She also believes that men are inferior to women, and incapable of caring for children.
Cashier: Okay.
Cashier (under breath) What a stupid Karen.
A pejorative term for a meddlesome entitled moral busy body that is always trying to lord over others and impose their will on them through various means including but not limited to legal coercion, harassment, slander, gossip, ostracization, condescension, bullying, and fear mongering. The term originates from a stereotypical middle-aged female malcontent imagined to be named "Karen" that the entire HOA neighborhood quietly loathes.
Omg, that Karen demanded to speak to the manager when she couldn't get something she wanted that was never even on the menu but she didn't realize I WAS THE MANAGER so I showed her the door. She'll probably sue us now. Oh well
A middle aged woman with the who has a short hair cut is annoying and is currently speaking to your manager
The annoying people who live on your streets and shop in your stores.
A Karen said, “ I want to speak to your manager!”
The shop assistant, “I am the manager!”
Karen is shook
One of the most hated things in existence
Oh shit, here comes a Karen.
F**k you, Karen.
A Karen is a person who loves to fight the manager. She is very loud and unkind. She cares a lot about her children and will not hesitate to take her children away from their father. Karen has blonde hair down to her shoulders. She wears sunglasses. She loves to fight when she can't get her discount in target.
Manager: Oh dear god not Mrs. Karen again..