Source Code

magic eight ball

A mystical pool ball enchanted to tell the future.

Person: Magic eight ball, how long until I get to 3rd base with my girlfriend

Magic Eight Ball: Ask again later

by Atlec January 19, 2006

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magical jew hair

a magical jew hair, is a random hair that grows in an unusual place, often the pinky.

Usually found on Jewish males.

Oh dude, I found the magical jew hair!

You know, I have a magical jew hair on my pinky that I can't get rid of.

by The AlliCat January 7, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Magic Teleporting Diggers

A secluded area in Nottingham found on google map, that is used to lure scrawny nerds who spend a vast amount of their time on the internet. When they arrive they are ambushed and violently sodomized.

Hey man, did you hear what happened to Kim? I heard some1 fiddled his bum after searching for some place called Magic teleporting diggers.

by Tommyfiddler99 January 25, 2013

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Magic School Bus

When you take a massive rip out of a bong and the smoke is yellow.

Dude, when Joey ripped that bong he rode the magic school bus.

by Foolish Wizard August 7, 2015

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Magic Carpet Ride

Also known as a trifecta, a magic carpet ride is when a person takes a bong hit, followed by a bee sting and then finally an opiate.

"John won't be able to make the party tonight, because he took one too many Magic Carpet Rides."

by Boogalini July 7, 2022

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Magic Honey Pot

A wet pussy that is SO juicy and sweet it is literally like nectar from the Gods; I'm talkin' that finger lickin' good shit!

Also just a fun way of saying vagina...

I opened up my Magic Honey Pot and let him taste the sweet honey that spilt forth.

by Muttemor June 23, 2021

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Magic Right Hand

When a man masturbates furiously for a long time with his left hand, then switches to his right hand and gets off quickly.

"I had the Magic Right Hand last night."

by BentleyCoon April 13, 2009

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