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Fuck girl

a girl that acts like she like
U but really be talkin to other guys

"I was face timing this girl but she always pauses me to text other guys, what a fuck girl

by Mmp April 7, 2015

103πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

fan girls

1.The Male celebrities worst enemy.
2.Claim they own (a) certain male celebrity(ies)
3.Always are a nuisance.
4.Create notebooks full of pictures they printed.Otherwise, wasting ink.
5. Good for the economy (because they buy more ink)
6. Obsessive females that turn into groupies or are alredy groupies.
7. Females that get angered with the fact that other Females say they own their certain celebrity and briskly say' She wishes.I own him I own him!!'

Fangirls may also appeal to female celebrities.

Many women surrounding the male celebrity were screaming and hollering, one of them ripping off the shirt from his back, causing a Feeding frenzy of fan girls.

by SOJI July 19, 2006

84πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

monte girls

Of extreme superior and magnificent quality. One off rarity. Transcends human pittance. Speaks like a saint, acts like a God. Of highest moral importance. Pure quality, as compared with the likes of Loretto and Wenona.

Person a: Wow! That girls damn fine
Person b: Na man she's a Loretto
(Person a runs far, far away and can be seen on the horizon)
Person a (shouts out):Man, here comes some Monte girls! Look at that angelic glow.
(person b sprints back)
Person b: Sweet as! Boo yah!

by Monte is da best December 3, 2005

71πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Peapod Girl

A follower of the teachings and philosophies of that legendary cook and gourmand, Ma Pee-Pod. (note the different spelling of these homophones). A 'Peapod Girl' is actually the singular version of 'Peapod Girls', which is more accurate, since 'They' only come as a brace of Pod, aka Twinz.

Yo, homey! What up, what up? Dem Peapod Girlz, dey some badass mo-fos! Gnome sane?

by Mr. Penguin April 24, 2005

87πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Backup girl

A girl who is only kept dangling by a guy whilst pursuing another, more attractive girl. Usually to have sex with when things go wrong.

My girlfriend was a "backup girl" before she met me.

"Are you dating her?"
"Nah man, she's just my backup girl."

by A-non-e-moose. October 20, 2008

42πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

πŸ₯Ί girl

the girls who enjoy being treated like a princess, and only tan when going to the beach. they like dressing up and taking cute photos and care about what people think of them

she wear jewelry to the beach, she’s a πŸ₯Ί girl

by the knower of all knowledge July 18, 2020

76πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

nuke a girl

To nuke a girl is to destroy her vaginal opening to the point of where it looks like the wasteland of Hiroshima, Japan.

Dude, I'm gonna hit up this party and nuke a girl named Cate so hard.

by nukerofgirls December 13, 2010

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž