Source Code

Textbook Pimp

a male who derives all his female wooing steps by first congregating with fellow, natural pimps and experienced girls, before even sending a text, message, voicemail, date, etc.

guy1- Can you believe Danny boy scored a date with Charol? Shes FAR beyond his league..

guy2- Well, Danny has been hanging out with that preppy kid, Todd who gets all the ladies and i've heard he's referred to Todd before typing each, and every text message to her. Psh. obviously it doesn't come natural to this Textbook Pimp..

by kx186 December 31, 2009

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butt pimping

The action of one hand staying level and straight out while the other hand continually 'pumps' the ass. Commonly used on strippers in order to give proper lovings.

Hey bra, lemme give your gf some butt pimping.
nah dude she's taken and not a stripper

by An observant human being, November 3, 2014

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Code Pimp

Somehow who pimps out development resources like a boss.

John : Hey chooch you need some sweet front end dev work?
Matt : How much?
John : 2 days with my resource, anything you need. 85/hr
Matt : Alright, its a deal.
John : Yo, Lisa you are needed for some front end work downtown, 2 days a week.
Lisa : Come on Johnny...I need to smoke up and vacuum my walls.
John : Don't make me pimp slap you! Move!
Lisa : Friggin Code Pimp!

by Richard Hasherpes November 19, 2013

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backyard pimp

Pimps who don't have the balls to flat out pimp openly. They are lazy, unproductive, sheisty creatures that live off women with promises to want to get their shit together, but really don't.

Friend 1: "Girl, I'm tired of taking care of this man, but he keep telling me he is gonna start looking for work because he tired of spending my money" Friend 2: He ain't nothing but a backyard pimp... and never had a job, never will!!!!

by bossyb773 December 14, 2010

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pimp disc

A pimp disc is a CD or DVD full of fanfiction, fanart, character info, story info, etc of a specific fandom. They are used to encourage people to join that fandom.

Mary: Anne sent me a pimp disc of 'Prince of Tennis' last night.
Ella: Oh, I've heard of that anime. Is it good?
Mary: Well, the disc had the first episode and some fanfiction, and it looks pretty cool. I think I'll ask for the box set for Christmas.

by Ellorn December 7, 2007

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Pimp Dressed

when one is in attire that is appropriate for a professional workplace environment, but very stylish, either by clothing attire and or color schemes. Thus bringing positive attention to the individual or getting hate from haters that are hating.

Did you catch mike at the meeting?

Too bad, he was all pimp dressed and was looking lollipop good.

by Chulo$ May 7, 2010

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Pimp maneuver

A very smooth way of hooking up with the opposite way. Has many way that can be done.

Yo look at Kris dood! His pimp maneuver is way up there!

by lolatoise February 4, 2010

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