Slang de montréal pour dire de voler, (commetre un vol, cambrioler)
c'est utiliser pour que les gens autours ne savent pas ca veut dire quoi
avec les racaille
Yo Antony, on bus stop l'iPhone a Julie?
Je me suis faite bus stop fuck.
on bus stop ce fdp
When people reject YOUR religion... That's the problem though, isn't it? Which is why all the Genocide.
Der Führer JeepJorp "You stop being human if I'm wrong!"
Hym "To you... Inter-subjectively... That's YOU dehumanizing people... Actively... That's a thing you're doing that you could not be doing and that's actually the problem with you're entire religion."
Der Führer JeepJorp "The Atheists! The Atheists, you see... They just don't understand! You see, if they only knew that if they don't agree with me they're not human! And if I'm wrong I can do whatever I want!" 😡
Hym "Yeah, see, that's the problem. You're insane. You don't see the out-group as 'fully human' and your religion is what allows you to justify the dehumanization of other people. Not that THAT ITSELF isn't a human thing to do but what you're TRYING to do is ENSHRINE A RIGHT TO the dehumanization of others along a certain axis... Which is what makes it wrong and unnatural rather than the human reaction to out-group.... I mean, simply doing the dehumanization is justification for theft when I do it. Which is horsehsit because I'm right when I do it. But that's besides the point. You're insane. Religion bad. Give me my shit. You're using Pot of Greed. My response is Ash Blossom (aka sending little girl to the graveyard).. Do you have called by the grave or not?"
The act of stopping the act of sexual intercourse to communicate a message with one's sexual partner.
Johnny made a qwik stop to tell Mia she was being too loud.
A Noah is a person that likes to play fast games like DOOM and Quake. In the storie Noah ark, the world is ending and god tells know to grab two of ever animals and a boat put them all in the boat a Noah can get scared and put all eggs in one the basket and dips.
Dude stop being a Noah just because lights are off
A attractive women. Who rides the bus.
I was rolling down the ave and seen this bad ass bus stop shawty!
Stay in the moment. I can wait.
Stop tomorrowing, we're in the club.