v. : the act of preforming homosexual oral sex on another male; being someone's bitch
plural : blows guys
"TJ is getting horney, he wants to blow a guy"
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A blow dryer is a fan what blows hot air and is used a lot to blow hot air onto hair after a shower.
A blow dryer works similar to a heater but it blows heat quickly for drying hair.
I used a blow dryer yesterday.
4๐ 7๐
Where the front plug of the (flip flop/thong/jandel/havaianas etc) pops out, leaving the wearer with broken flip flops. Left with nothing much to keep the thing attached to the foot, gravity and a flexed foot must be utilised, leaving the wearer looking utterly ridiculous as they walk.
Steve trips, and pops the plug of his footwear out in the process, "Ah shit, I've had a blow out"
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(n.) a shot of grain alcohol dropped into a glass of malt liquor. Similar to an Irish Car Bomb, but with no redeeming quality, (specifically in the taste). Named thus for the tendency of the drink to create a state of absolute despondency in the drinker's bowels.
Daniel: Hey dude, did you know that there is a Facebook group called "If 1,000 people Join This Group Michael Hearn Will Do 10 Colon Blows."?
Luis: No one can do 10 Colon Blows and live.
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when a girl is chillen and sitting on the couch in her underwear. Then she moves and slightly shifts her underwear, and exposing herself..
if her vagina slips out of her underwear she is blowing kisses
oops! sorry i just blew a kiss
hey friend, your blowing kisses!
5๐ 9๐
Term for a slightly less-than-average person only accepted by his peers because he/she boosts their self-esteem due to their ignorance or lack of intelligence. Also begs others to the extremities of their nerves for money/materials. Can be used as a nick-name or noun/pronoun.
Joe:hey Jackson, got any money i spent all mine on gummy bears & weed.
Jackson:(speaking to Walt). Gosh he really makes me mad hes such a Jew.
Walt: Yea he's such a Joe Blow.
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The form of oral sex where the female sucks on the males genitals, and he takes a poo from the excitement!
"Dude last night with Cindy sucked!"
"I blow blobbed on her!"
9๐ 22๐