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super fly

Basically, a suffix to empower a noun.

I'm a mushroom cloud laying motherfucker, motherfucker. Every time my fingers touch brain, I'm super fly TNT, I'm the guns of the Navarone.

by Gumba Gumba April 4, 2004

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sausage fly

1) The largest, most powerful type of ant. These male insects spend their entire lives on the trail of female drones, following their scent. When they encounter the drones, the females gang up and tear its wings off as preparation for mating with it. The male dies soon afterwards.

2) Any pushover dumb enough to get duped like that. Generally by human female drones.

2) Jerry's a biggity bitch. Laura has his car keys in her pocket, his testicles in her purse and she's boffing that french dude in the bathroom. He's a total sausage fly.

by lacquerhead May 12, 2010

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flying burrito

When a person farts around a group of people, then proceeds to leave the area with a quickness, leaving them with the lingering smell.

A man walks up to a group of friends, farts and walks away. "Flying burrito" he says as he walks away laughing.

by The Big Ofer March 8, 2008

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flying monkeys

AKA fly moes.

They just follow blindly and screeches constantly to the public and police due to the ignorance of themselves and their leader, the WWWH (wicked witch of the white house). Someone that swears they know the law and will quote it wrong.
Someone that likes to make a scene in public especially when they don't get their way. They're usually part of MAGA. Sometimes flying monkeys are also labeled as Karens', Kens', and Beckys'.

Once inside the store, flying monkeys circled around before preying on a family of 3 that they thought should not be allowed inside the store. The flying monkeys heckled and bullied the family about their nationality to leave, all the while screeching to the manager about having to wear a face mask.

by cynaim November 19, 2020

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fly paper

A funny prank to play at a party or office restroom.
Take a shit, wipe your ass with the toilet paper without ripping it off, then CAREFULLY roll it back up. Flies will swarm to it. (effectively your conventional fly paper)

Paul fly papered Precilla's bathroom when she refused to give him head; and then left.

by MEZ178 January 6, 2008

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flying monkies

A bunch of minions from The Wizard of Oz that work for the Wicked Witch of the West, and are monkies, with wings. The person who thought of this is clearly a moron because no one liked the idea of flying monkies, because monkies are most like humans and humans have no chance in being able to fly without a machine. Overall, flying monkies is a terrible idea.

Amanda: Hey girl, did you see those flying monkies in that movie? They were silly sweet!
Grace: I found those flying monkies to be totally ridiculous, The Wizard of Oz should have never been a movie.

by bloodysox1918 April 23, 2006

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The Flying Fernando

To jump off of a chair onto a chick's nose, and scootch on her face: resulting in doo doo/ ca ca nuggets in her nose. patent pending, patent pending.

Julio gave Guillermina the flying fernando as he screamed, "Ijole que la chingada!"

by raulbone December 4, 2008

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