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Dolphin Waffle

Vagina; The female version of a waffle dolphin

The dolphin waffle had struggled through out the battle with the waffle dolphin of who would be on top.

by Quentin and Anthony February 25, 2011

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Stink waffle

When you soak a waffle in shit filled toilet water and let it sit overnight and dry. In the morning throw it in the toaster, toast it and it will let this smell of Satan ripping ass out throughout the house and then serve it to your friend.

I heard that bob got sick yesterday
Yeah I gave him a stink waffle
Didn’t he smell it?
I just served it with extra maple syrup

by WaffleGod March 6, 2018

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Stink Waffle

A black man, With an attitude, Holding a hen, Most likely stole 5 things before actually holding up the hen.

Look at that Stink Waffle, He's wearing my watch!!!

by JacobDickerson January 2, 2012

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Waffle whore

A man or a woman that will sleep with a man in exchange for waffles.

She slept with him because he made waffles for her... Such a waffle whore! πŸ™„

by adityak93 July 2, 2019

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Butterfly Waffle

When you so fucked up on weed. You cravin butterfly waffles.

Yo Juan, pass me some butterfly waffles. Juan: the fuck are those. You trippin Tyrone.

by Who dat bitch. November 3, 2016

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Soggy Waffles

Soggy Waffles by definition is a slang racial term used by zipperheads in order to gay someone gay. Once in a million years, people named Soggy Waffles are legendary for being the most homosexual nigga in history to date. It only gets gayer from here.

bruh you look like Soggy Waffles

by You Are A Bruh Moment July 15, 2019

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Medium Waffle

Only understandable for homosapian males with lil dicks, the phrase can be portrayed in any light of communication. The creator of the phrase, Savagerealm, is the only true specimen with the correct definition of β€œMedium Waflle.”

Homosapian male 1: My dick small like shit
Homosapian male 2: Medium waffle
Homosapian male 1: Understandable

by TheRealNickMcClaughry December 20, 2017

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