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Loveable jerk, creep that tastes like lemonade. There is no other of it's kind.

When you encounter a Sarah-Naide you are being romanced and seranaded by a creepy, adorable, fun-loving, witty, and uniquely charming Sarah.

FRIEND: "Oh, hey Tory. You look full of light today. What did you do last night"?

TORY: "Oh, I was Sarah-Naided. I feel spectacular".

FRIEND: "That sounds wonderful. How is that loveable creep, Sarah"?

by Tozbang213 March 20, 2023

Mexican Sarah

A woman of Mexican descent named Sarah.

Did you invite Mexican Sarah to the party?”

by Budscottmarie June 8, 2018

sarah noelle

A girls name meaning for beautiful and talented women or girl, controlled by music and art

Woah, did you see sarah noelle last night?

by SGT Vision January 12, 2017

Sarah G


Oh look it’s Sarah G the short one

by Akissjdoeje February 11, 2019

Sarah Bear

hyper, Sweet Girl. Always there for you. Generally gives great advice. Sexy;P LOVES TURTLES. Can be weird sometimes but in a Good way!! She's usually ALWAYS Nice. Shes SOOO Fun to be around. Shes funny as hell sometimes, And shes A AMAZING HUGGER!!! dam.. And shes JUST A FLAT OUT AWESOME GIRL!!

Who's that ?

Who? She's our boss,sarah bear

by Kooroshmosby November 22, 2021

Sarah Bear

Best boss ever :))

Who's your boss?
Sarah...sarah bear 🧸

by Kooroshmosby November 22, 2021

Hi Sarah!

A phrase that you blurt out when excited or nervous or in reply when someone says "Hi Sarah!"

"Hi Sarah!"

by ThingamabobXD January 2, 2023