Loveable jerk, creep that tastes like lemonade. There is no other of it's kind.
When you encounter a Sarah-Naide you are being romanced and seranaded by a creepy, adorable, fun-loving, witty, and uniquely charming Sarah.
FRIEND: "Oh, hey Tory. You look full of light today. What did you do last night"?
TORY: "Oh, I was Sarah-Naided. I feel spectacular".
FRIEND: "That sounds wonderful. How is that loveable creep, Sarah"?
A woman of Mexican descent named Sarah.
“Did you invite Mexican Sarah to the party?”
A girls name meaning for beautiful and talented women or girl, controlled by music and art
Woah, did you see sarah noelle last night?
hyper, Sweet Girl. Always there for you. Generally gives great advice. Sexy;P LOVES TURTLES. Can be weird sometimes but in a Good way!! She's usually ALWAYS Nice. Shes SOOO Fun to be around. Shes funny as hell sometimes, And shes A AMAZING HUGGER!!! dam.. And shes JUST A FLAT OUT AWESOME GIRL!!
Who's that ?
Who? She's our boss,sarah bear
A phrase that you blurt out when excited or nervous or in reply when someone says "Hi Sarah!"
"Hi Sarah!"