When you fuck everyone around you so hard it can be heard around America
Sounds like americas thunder at that orgy
Big bend over breasts bend over bootys action in little AMERICA payback. Big Benningfield junior over breasts Benningfield junior over bootys action in little AMERICA payback. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created big BeJrovBreaST BeJrovBooTy action in little AMERICA payback. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
nickname from George W. Bush for Tony Blair
America’s Poodle wanted to eliminate pay for the Royal Family.
Acronym for the former grocery store chain IGA from a former employee using "Gyp" (To cheat/swindle). Applicable to most modern day retailers.
"You know, I used to call it I Gyp America!"
Acronym applied to former grocery store chain IGA by a former employee. Includes the word "Gyp" (To cheat/swindle). Applicable to most modern retailers.
"You know, I used to call it I Gyp America!"
also called Cult of the GAays, they never consult anyone but their own, cult of publishers so it was this that formed wikipedia to start and left alone commit horrendous atrocities but their name implied fascism to start because the society was on the distribution controls of what others, authors and writers, have said.
2. the arch enemies of Mark Twain, all
"Over arking, phrase Publisher's Societies of America he's talking about, like the Tom Sayer 1973 movie they did, it was theirs,
there once was a Time when things like polution, overpopulation, even things like income taxes were unknown to most people, our natural riches seemed inaexhaustable, there was more elbow room, and life was a lot more fun, now, reader's digest, together with the united artists and arthur p jacobs, invites you and your family, to go back to those golden days, as we proudly present Tom Sawyer" Arthur P Jacobs, Reader's Digest, Artists United.