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Back to Black

The name of Amy Winehouse’s platinum selling sophomore album. It was also her last, before passing away July 23rd, 2011. It’s one of the best albums of the 2000’s, by far.

Person 1: God, I was listening to Back to Black yesterday. I miss Amy so much.
Person 2: Same.

by GG7755 May 17, 2020

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black up

To make oneself black in nature even if they have white skin

I need to black up before my 100m sprint.

by black_up36287687326895327092 May 3, 2013

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The Big Black

A map on osu! once to be considered the hardest.

Guy: Bro! I've tried for so long but I can't beat The Big Black !

by Apollo2474 February 22, 2021

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black snaking

getting into bed without bathing or showering

We're out of water at my place ...I've been black snaking for a week

by blackharro June 15, 2017

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Black Arse

Slang, generally found in the NE of England meaning someone who never washes, is dirty, scruffy or "minging".

That Amy is a right black arse, proper black like. Her house is black, her kids are black, never clean them the dirty c**t and her house is lifting.

by TomP1980 December 18, 2013

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flat black

one of the sexiest colors around
in paint there is a few finishes of the colors, there is gloss, semi gloss, satin, and then there is flat. (there is more, i know there is, but those are the basic)
its a non reflective surface and there is almost no shine to it.

putting flat black paint on any car

by ben also called a 20 August 29, 2008

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back in black

an album that was released in 1980, currently the sixth best selling album from the fifth best selling band ever. The song was written to celebrate Bon Scott the way he lived - by rocking hard. *Not a metal album! AC/DC has publicaly detested the metal genre in many interviews!!!* It is still a memorial song, so no matter how many times the lame-brain Beastie Boys try to get the rights to "spin" it, they never will!!!

BIB is registered as a Double Diamond seller. Let's see a rapper beat that.

by Geldof March 16, 2005

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