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Derogatory term for someone acting flamboyantly gay

Look at the homo he is a total goose

by Thettuth October 8, 2021


A highly territorial animal that spends its time bonking people and severely injuring small children. I Angered a goose will proceed to bonk your nose, eat your toes, and steal your hoes. If encountered in the wilderness the best way to avoid is to slowly back away until out of ear shot and then call in a firing squad.

Jonny wept as his life was distorted by a goose.
The goose continued to reap the souls of men.

by Dolphinthespaz December 27, 2021


a goose is someone that did/said some dumbass shit or gay ass shit

this motherfucker is a goose

by davesss August 23, 2023


Goose is the best cat ever he always is chill and doesn’t give a crap about anything.He is very caring and loves to hang out with you.He loves to make bread on blankets but does not like to cuddle.

Wow it’s goose the cat

by ilovemycats123 April 3, 2022


To bonk on the head, and probably leave a concussion.

"Im gonna take this toy club and absolutely goose him with it"

by NeroWasHere July 6, 2021


A legend of the art in throwing partys, boozing, smoking weed, growing weed, and a mastermind of being a G

Guy 1: “Who’s that?”

Guy 2: “That’s the fucking man bro! That guys so cool!”

Guy 3: “Ya they call him Goose”

All: “Steez

by Racecar backwards is racecaR November 23, 2021


When someone coughs and you can’t say bless you/excuse you, but the silence is awkward. Stems from a joke form of gesundheit, as well as coughs sounding like a quack (duck, duck, ‘goose’)

Person 1: *coughs*
Person 2: Goose
Person 1: Thanks

by TealGroup April 8, 2022