Lia,your so hot, Hook It.
First hook it with some mows, then hook it with some hook it!
When a guy with a skinny dick has to wrap the condom around his balls in order for it to stay in
Boy 1: how do I put this condom on?
Boy 2: you gotta grappling hook it
Hanging up your Fanny pack after a long day of being a fuck boy.
Bro 1: “bro I’ve been at a rave all night, where can I ‘hook the Fanny’?”
Hooking the clam is a coming of age sex gamepracticed in the working men's clubs of South Yorkshire, it involves around eight 'sturdy young men' and a couple of chubby barmaids, one of the barmaids strips off and is strapped speadeagle to the 'clam table' and is liberally coated from foot to chin in beef lard. The young men strip off and form an orderly queue in front of the second barmaid who is seated and begins to fellate the first in line to the brink of orgasm, he must then fully erect perform a belly slide along the greasy barmaid and attempt to 'hook the clam' by positioning his member inside the barmaids clam and ejaculating on call. A points system is applied to other places of ejaculation, the ankles one point, the knees or thighs two points and to hook the clam five points, if he should overshoot and hit the stomach or breasts foul is called. The winner is paraded around the local village and must take the barmaid on a paid night out.
Albert: "It's clam hooking time at the club tonight Jim"
Jim: "Aye if I was a betting man I'd say our young Mick is going to be hooking the clam"
Your fuckin a girl from the back at the beach and you pull out smack it in the sand and stuff it in her ass and when she screams you fish hook the bitch.
Dude I double dip fish hooked this bitch at the beach.
The form of birth control known as an IUD (intra-uterine device) EXPIRES EVERY THREE YEARS
My ex’s fallopian fish hook expired and now I have a toddler
the ability of a dude to catch & reel in a chick
did you see jim last night? he used his fish hook magic on that girl & bam, in the car.